A Non-Profit Cultural Arts Organization
A Non-Profit Cultural Arts Organization
Empower Artists… Engage The Community!

Be Part Of The Action
Let your voice join the growing chorus of lovers of the arts!
Thanks to our previous and current supporters.
Artists in Partnership invites you to come and help us change lives...
Artists In Partnership is an ALL VOLUNTEER organization...
nothing happens without YOU!
AIP can use all the help we can get! We fund our events through donations, and public and private grants. We organize and staff our events with volunteers.
Our wish list for long-term projects includes:
handling administrative tasks such as database and bookkeeping management
updating and maintaining our website, providing additional promotional services for our artists
growing our lists of participating artists and supporters, as well as acting as a member liaison
expanding our reach both locally and on the web through marketing and publicity campaigns
editorial expertise for creating informational newsletters
graphic designing
researching press outlets
creating artist networking projects and events
donating office space and storage
and - of course - fundraising to support our programs and events
Tell us how you can express your talents and help AIP! Email with your interest, email and phone number.
AIP requests your IMMEDIATE help for its Annual Festivals throughout the year.
One of our board members will contact you with details prior to the event.